
• Maintenance Request
• Check-out Form


If you see something that needs to be repaired or something is missing from the apartment, do not put it in this form.
This form will not be processed urgently, so anything important must be submitted as a Maintenance Request.

Not sure if something belongs in this form or in a Maintenance Request?

On this form: Any small default you think we should be aware of. A chip on the surface of a table, a burn mark on a kitchen counter, etc.

On a MAINTENANCE REQUEST: A leak we may not have noticed, a radiator that isn't working, etc.

For new residents

Check-in Apartment Status Report
Please fill in this form within 48 hours of moving in to let us know if you have any concerns with your apartment. You may be held responsible for any damage to apartment not listed here so please take a moment on arrival to tell us what you find.
All fields are required but if everything's fine, please just write "all okay" or the equivalent to let us know.